Laura Olsen

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Failure of Imagination

The term a 'failure of imagination' is a term, often used in economics, used to describe a negative possibly catastrophic event that no one saw coming... but in hindsight, they should have. It describes something that could have been planned for and prevented but wasn't, even though when you look back on the events leading up to it, we all 'shoulda see it coming'.

So in this context, a 'failure of imagination' describes inadequate protection planning. A lack of foresight, preparedness, backup, or a plan b.

But I posit that it's actually deeper than that. Never one to focus on the negative, I see this as a lack of a compelling vision for the future. When you step into the role of creator in your life, you set in motion a pull towards a desired future. From this place what comes to life within you is an impetus for action and change. Yes, old things will break down and fall away. Yes, there will be discomfort and change. Death and decay of the old is a part of the cycle of life, this is what feeds new growth.

But the orientation of being a creator of your life, you are naturally imbued with an unshakable commitment to the outcome that you choose... even in light of circumstances you cannot control.

It brings to mind the old adage, "Everything will be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end."

Imagination applied towards a desired future outcome is big. Audacious. Grand. And naturally, there will be setbacks. Some may seem insurmountable. And yet...

The kind of imagination I'm referring to holds within it a bravery and resilience that brings you back to the table, again and again, to figure it out, to keep going. There's an underlying energy that whispers to you that there's an opportunity within the disaster, you just have to find it.

This type of imagination isn't a denial of reality. On the contrary! It takes a good long hard look at the facts and takes into account an unvarnished look at reality. Because only by stepping bravely into reality can the desired, imagined outcome come to life. To build something real and true and audacious and grand, you cannot build it on a shaky foundation of rosy outlooks or ignoring the truth on the ground.

A failure of imagination isn't a lack of 'protecting the downside'. A failure of imagination is not having a compelling vision of the future that is so big and bright that it will light the way past any catastrophe that may impede your drive towards it.