Sacred Hello


Serendipity. That moment when you meet someone and you don't know who they will be to you in your life. Hello is a miracle and full of possibility.  

Why is the word hello not holy? It holds mystery and magic within the opening. 

The shake of a hand. The meeting of eyes. All mystery and magic. All of it. 

When you look back on the first meeting, you can see how much you didn't know. How much would come to pass? You handled it just like everything else. Picking up groceries and folding the laundry. But this wasn't like every other one. Why don't we notice that? 

Did you feel the electricity of that handshake? Did you notice the was that everything went silent just for a split-second? There's magic there. 

That person you are connecting to... they are full of hopes and dreams and wisdom and fears. Just like you. There is a whole history of how they came to be here with you in this moment. What lead them here? 

Why is this important? Because people are important. Connection is important. Human connection is why we are here on this earth. To have the experience of being human. And we cannot do that fully without the experience of other humans. Our shared experience is one of community. 

What if we treated hello as sacred? What if when we said it, we meant, welcome to my world. All of the messy and mysterious is here and available to share with you. I am humbled and honored by our shared hello. 

Laura Olsen