The Language of Emotions

Humans are feeling beings. We have a vast array of nuanced emotions that come to dance with us throughout our lived experience. But just because we all have emotions doesn't know that we have the language to communicate them.

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Laura Olsen

I posit that this is the only way that we can move forward in any meaningful way to make progress from what IS to a desired future

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Laura Olsen
Self Responsibility

Following the instructions of others and expecting that guidance to be what leads to you getting to live the life that you desire will never work. It can't work.

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Laura Olsen
Integrity: Deep Dive

When you feel, believe a certain way and act in a way that is not in alignment with your internal feelings of beliefs, you are divided. You are out of integrity. This split of energy between your internal and external world creates a division of your energetic resources. It causes a leak.

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Laura Olsen
Holding Space

Holding space for the fears, frustrations, anger, sadness, confusion, grief... and allowing it all out in a space that can see and hear the reality of this lived experience without judgment, minimizing, explain, justifying or offering advice.

Holding space is a beautiful act of care and kindness.


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Invalidating Speech

Bessel Van Der Kolk speaks in his book “The Body Keeps the Score'“ about the science that demonstrates that trauma occurs not only in a traumatic experience but also after a painful situation when a hurting person shares the experience and is met with invalidation.


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Centering Speech

Listening, true listening comes from a place of strength and security that you have the ability to stay with the other person at the moment. You can remain present and focused.

This is self-responsibility. This expands your capacity to hear, hold space, and be a compassionate listener when called upon.


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The problem with empowerment

The term empowerment implies that you have power that you are going to benevolently bestow upon me. You will grant me permission to use your power. It's not mine, it's yours... but hey, I can borrow it. How kind of you…

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Laura Olsen
Season, phases, learning to accept and release

I could push, plan, try-hard, judge, and shame myself into change… or… I could accept what is, get curious, and allow it to share its message and move on. It’s the same feeling I get when the seasons are changing. There’s possibility for new behaviors in the one that’s coming.

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Laura Olsen
An ode to coping

Communication is key in all relationships.. even in and most especially in the relationship to ourselves. How is your subconscious communicating to you in positive —and negative ways— that offers you insight?

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Laura Olsen
Types of inspiration

Notes on where inspiration comes from and how to leverage unique sources and approaches to widen the scope of waht’s possible so that you come back to a solution that’s best for you… not just trying to iterate common solutions to the issues we face.

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Laura Olsen
Influence vs. Inspire

A distinction between two common words and the underlying energy that I feel between them. I like to dive into concepts like this to find out how I really feel about a concept. I find this helps me to articulate with more precision what I stand for and what I would rather not engage in. Sometimes I write about it and sometimes I don’t… but this is how I think about these topics.

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Laura Olsen