The Creator Orientation

I feel something rising, growing, germinating within me.

I've been feeling my way forward with all of the powerful energy swirling in the air. My intention always is to be useful. To do work that is useful, generative, creative. And I've wrestled with the idea that creativity is frivolous and just for "fun" when I have "extra time". But recently I have come to the understanding of the power of being a creator.

There is power in being a creator. All of the religious traditions of the world speak of a powerful creator. Setting aside the conversation of religion for now and focusing on the archetype of a creator, there is a deep well from which we can draw.

The creator takes the raw materials available and combines them into something new. The creator focuses on the new creation that will arise out of chaos.

Being a creator doesn't mean ignoring what exists, on the contrary... a creator takes a long sobering look at reality as it is. No filters, bias, or judgments. Blinders off. Then a creator decides what's next.


And then the creator uses powerful alchemy to take what exists and shapes it, transmutes it, alchemizes it with science and spirit until the lead is gold. Until what was before is irrevocably changed.

Laura Olsen