Visual Goal Setting

Clarity Ease Flow Motivation Joy Synchronicity


Are you ready to see into the future? But from where you stand it looks a little foggy?

Clarity comes with action. But it can be a real chicken-or-the-egg situation.

What if you could ‘try on’ your perfect day? Is there a goal that sounds amazing but you hold yourself back and you don’t know why?What if you could try out the possibilities? Would that supercharge your energy and motivation? What if the journey was not a drudgery but a joy? What if overwhelm fell away and was replaced with natural focus and drive?

When I was 19 years old discovered something that dramatically changed the direction of my life in my twenties and brought my goals to straight to my door. Seemed like magic. But it was sorta like holding a TV remote backwards. It would work fantastically once in a while and startle me… then it would stop and I couldn’t figure out why! I couldn’t do “it” on command because I had no idea what “it” was! Do you ever have that feeling?

After two decades of intense study of all-of-the-things— self-development, coaching, entrepreneurship, metaphysical texts, energy work, neurobiology, neuropsychology, art therapy, (whew!) — I figured out why I could manifest with ease at times, and other times not.

My discovery? What I was doing, intuitively way-back-when, as a twenty-something was a powerful tool. Now I have deconstructed the process to understand the science and practical methods behind it.

I have created a workshop to share what I have learned to create a strong, clear vision so that you can step into your dream life.

Visual Goal Setting Online is coming in February… be the first to know when the doors open!

Laura is a writer, visual artist, and Creative Coach certified in therapeutic art. As a lifelong artist, Laura connects her empathic abilities with visuals to bring the subconscious to light. She is releasing her first book, The Soul Seeker's Guide, on the power of Visual Goal Setting in January 2019. Laura lives in Houston, Texas with her two rescue dogs, Calliope and Clementine, keeping her feet warm as she writes.


Increased focus


New, fresh ideas

reach goals with ease

Less hustle, more flow

Joy along the journey


What is Visual Goal Setting? Well its a little bit of a lot of things, but I think this Venn Diagram sums it up best.

It brings together the left and right brain — your outer logic and your inner knowing — so that you set aligned goals and intentions.


January 1st has come and gone. You have your list of goals, your resolutions, even your word of the year. ✔️

Take them even further and make THIS the year you really make it all come to life with ease.

Visual Goal Setting is a combination of goal setting, vision boarding, and journaling that creates a dream that you can step in to.


This practice takes all those right brained words and adds a splash of color and creativity to make those abstract concepts come alive! (No previous art experience required!)

Rooted in brain science with a splash of alchemy, creating visuals helps you stay motivated, focused, and inspired until one day... you wake up in your dream!

I am constantly amazed at how this process WORKS!


Visual Goal Setting Online is coming… be the first to know when the doors open!


Laura is a writer, visual artist, and Creative Coach certified in therapeutic art. As a lifelong artist, Laura connects her empathic abilities with visuals to bring the subconscious to light. She is releasing her first book, The Soul Seeker's Guide, on the power of Visual Goal Setting in January 2019. Laura lives in Houston, Texas with her two rescue dogs, Calliope and Clementine, keeping her feet warm as she writes.